Loveland, CO - New recreation trail wayfinding signs have been installed throughout Loveland’s 23-mile paved trail system. As reflected in the City’s Citizen Satisfaction Survey and the Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan, citizens highly value Loveland’s recreation trail as an integral community amenity. Since the recreation trail has been constructed in segments over the last 30 years, there has never been a comprehensive wayfinding sign program for the entire trail. There were recreation trail sections where citizens found it challenging to navigate a safe and accessible trail route. To address this concern, a comprehensive trail sign program recently was completed to provide better communication, safety and connectivity with the community on Loveland’s recreation trail.
The wayfinding project included:
- New logo and blue color
- Naming and identification for each section of trail
- Big Thompson River Trail (Rossum Drive to South Highway 287)
- Civic Center Trail (South Highway 287 to Denver Avenue)
- Boyd Lake Trail (Denver Avenue to County Road 11C)
- North Trail (County Road 11C to North Taft Avenue)
- Westside Trail (North Taft Avenue to West Highway 34)
- Front Range Trail (County Road 11C north to East County Road 30)
- Long View Trail (57th Street & Taft north to Trilby Road-Fort Collins)
- Wayfinding signs that provide distances, directions, warnings and street names (350)
- ¼-mile markers that show distances along the paved trail & identify trail locations in case of emergency (84)
- Kiosks to display current maps and regulations (15)
- Striping for safety on underpasses and sharp curves (12)
- Etiquette/Rule signage to encourage trail courtesy (40)
- Safety and cautionary signage (30)
- Safety gates for trail closures (10)
- Update of recreation trail and bikeways map- available at or at the Chilson Center and other City Buildings
Loveland’s recreation trail loop encircles town and connects 14 parks and open land areas throughout town, and connects to the regional Front Range and Longview Trails. The wayfinding sign program better connects the community, encourages safe use of the trail and supports the recreational values of our community.
Loveland’s new trail signs were funded from Loveland’s share of Colorado Lottery Dollars.
More information and trail maps are available at
Information provided by the City of Loveland.