School Mascot Ban?

A bill has been introduced in the Colorado Senate that would ban the use of indigenous American mascots at Colorado Public Schools. The bill has been assigned to the Senate Education Committee and has not yet been assigned a hearing date.

I'm wondering if any of these sponsoring Senators campaigned for office by telling their constituents that this would be the cause they champion if elected. Doubtful!

I'm wondering if any of these sponsoring Senators realize that some of the few schools in Colorado with this type of mascot have received the approval/blessing of some of some tribes. Doubtful!

I'm wondering if any of these sponsoring Senators have proposed any solutions for the severe economic woes that Colorado now faces? Doubtful!

Over the past 11 months of Gov. Polis' rule & reign, Colorado has gone from the 3rd best in the nation to 4th worst in the category of unemployment. I wonder if any of these sponsoring Senators have proposed any solutions. Doubtful!

Here's the story from CBS/Denver.

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado